Cheap Wedding Ideas – Saving Money on Location, Reception and Decorations
By Janet R.
While most of the couple today are thinking of preparing a fortune to spend for one of their most memorable day – wedding, some might find this hard to believe that planning a cheap wedding is quite easy to do. Just like planning for an extravagant wedding celebration, cheap wedding ideas are also great and fun, and can be really unique and creative, too! So if you are one of many couples who opt to have a cheap wedding without compromising what you have desired to be in your special day, consider saving money on your wedding location, reception and decorations.
One way to trim down your wedding expenditures is by planning of having a cheap wedding location. Planning to have this cheap idea is not impossible to do. In fact, you can have your wedding ceremony in a variety of locations that are completely free. A great example could be a local park. Usually, going to a local public parks doesn't require any fees, and so planning a cheap wedding ceremony there doesn't give you any cost. They don't usually require any permits of other fees too. However, just make sure you have double checked it with your local city authorities before anything else.
Beaches are also a free place where you can held your wedding. Other ideas may include: having your wedding at a family member's home, or having it in your own backyard. If you and your partner loves nature, it may be free or very inexpensive to have your ceremony at a local zoo, nature reserve, or even at flower conservatory also.
Another area where you can save some money is your wedding reception. If you are on a tight budget, you can always go with cheap wedding reception, and believe or not this is not too difficult either. One of the most popular cheap reception is idea is to make a pot luck meal. You can ask each of your guests to bring their own dish. But if you'd rather not ask guests to bring food for your wedding reception, then perhaps asking a few family members to get together and cook food as a wedding gift for you can lighten your burden.
Planning a cheap wedding receptions should also involve choosing cheap location for the reception too. Example, if you'd like to have your wedding ceremony in the gazebo at the park, then perhaps the best reception option could be a barbecue or picnic style in that same park. Another easy and cheap option is of course, having your wedding ceremony in your own home. Then you can have your reception in your home as well, or out in the backyard if the weather agreed.
Wedding decorations are not only fun to deal with, but they can also cut down your wedding expenses.
You don't have to go without them completely though, but that doesn't mean you have to spend a big amount of dollars, rather you just need to improvise. Example, instead of buying expensive flowers for instance, try decorating with balloons and streamers instead. You may purchase a few spools of pretty ribbon at the nearest craft store or fabric store. Grab few balloons and tie them together using the strips of the ribbon. Also tie the ribbons into bows themselves, then tape the ribbon bows around for decorations by themselves.
Other ways where you can save money on your wedding is to purchase cheap wedding favors, inexpensive bridesmaids gifts, and discount groomsmen gifts. Giving wedding gifts to your guests and attendants doesn't give you any reason to overspend your budget. After all, it is not the cost that is being valued, rather the thought behind it.
About the Author: Jnet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics including weddings. If you're looking for
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