
51 Brides Wedding Day Embarrassments available on Amazon.com!

51 Brides Wedding Day Embarrassments is....Well... it's done!

The reviews are creeping in. Critics are exclaiming loudly about 51 Brides!

"A book like this will change the world!" - The New York Register

"Good reading, Cheap enough, has enough pages to get through a couple of mornings in the bathroom" - Buford Pickleberry - Wilson Ohio

"I laughed, I cried, I peed my pants" - Des Moines High Plainsmen

"A book of this caliber only comes along once in a generation, it is destined to become a classic" - Rockford scribbled on a bathroom wall

"This book is already a classic" - Denver Times-Leader-Press

"Classic doesn't describe this book" - Clarksville Starmaker

"I wouldn't call it a classic" - Cleveland Daily Press

"What would you call it then?" Los Angeles Courier

What's with the attitude? We simply don't think it is a classic? - Cleveland Daily Press

"How about you bring that big mouth over here" - Los Angeles Courier

Now you can decide for yourself! For less than the cost of 15 cups of coffee you can be the proud owner of a book written by someone you actually know!

It has taken 3 years and hours of proofing but it's done and available for purchase. Order your copy today!

Here is the link to order 51 Brides Wedding Day Embarrassments

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